developmental Coaching for Leaders and Changemakers

What if you could thrive and make a difference?






The future starts with you.

Bright. Capable. Hard-working. You’re good at what you do.

So why do you feel stuck? Confused. Disillusioned. Joy-less. And how did things get this way?

You’re not alone. It’s a middle-aged conundrum, with a 21st-century twist. We once thought, if we just fitted in and followed everything we’d been taught, success would result.

But the world is changing. Becoming faster, and more chaotic. The old structures and models of living, leading, and working no longer bring the outcomes or the certainty we were led to expect.

If we want a brighter future for ourselves and the generations that follow, it’s time to take a fresh look.

How you – and others like you – develop and impact your work, relationships, and life will determine what happens next.

You are the key to transforming the families, the communities, the organisations, and the systems we’re part of.

Do you have a vision for a better world… with you in it?

I’m here to help.

Coaching that Unfolds You and Transforms Everything

I work with bright, self-aware leaders and change-makers who want to clarify their purpose, build self-leadership and move themselves forward on a path of authenticity, service and connection.

  • Understand and embody more of who you are, with the spotlight shining on your natural, authentic self

  • Shape your purpose, develop a stronger Self-presence and give powerful voice to your ideas and gift

  • Catch old, familiar patterns that have you trapped, free up energy to feed your flow, and orient yourself to what really matters

  • Relate to others and build connections in healthier, more satisfying, and mutually generative ways

  • Experience a transformational process of deep immersion and personal unfolding where we co-create and learn with the natural world

Developmental Coaching Options

  • Individual Leadership Coaching

    Who you are gives shape to what you do. Transform possibility into reality.

  • Group Coaching & Development

    Develop your Self and inspire others.
    Discover the power of your collective wisdom.

    New cohort: Caring for our Selves in Challenging times. Starts September 2023.

Hi! I’m Sandra.

I’m passionate about helping people develop and flourish while positively affecting the world around them.

By integrating various coaching and developmental approaches with immersive experiences in outdoor settings, I first help my clients to clarify their vision for change. Then I support them to become who they need to be to live that vision, aligning their thoughts, words, and actions consistently as they move forward on a path of authenticity, service and connection.

Past Clients

Here's what others have said about their experiences of working with Sandra.


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