Collective Leader Development

Caring for our Selves: First cohort starting January 2023

Caring for our Selves in Challenging Times

Self-care is one of the most frequently raised coaching topics that many people struggle with.

If you are a purpose-driven individual, dedicated to living out your values, the importance of caring for yourself can easily be forgotten amid day to day demands and pressing threats to people and planet. 

However, prioritising self-care is actually an investment in your capacity to make the difference you dream of.

The value of self care

Far from a self-indulgent or selfish act, caring for the self is synonymous with caring for the collective.  And creating a more compassionate and caring world means modelling that for ourselves in balance with caring for the needs of others too – both human and nonhuman.

Being well is important to sustain the power of us all to survive and prosper in these challenging times.

Why is self care so difficult?

Logically most of us know that Self-care is vital to our effectiveness and wellbeing. However when we consistently fail to act in alignment with this knowledge, it’s a sign that a system of beliefs is at play that overrides our capacity to make different, more resourceful choices.

By continually marginalising the aspects of ourselves that are crying out for attention and help, we tend to find that far from disappearing, they actually persist and become stronger. 

So in order to reach resolution, many of us resort to familiar strategies that might give us short term relief, but are mostly self-defeating. 

And so the circle continues.

I write to thank you for helping us to achieve the mighty steps we have taken as a team.

Without your assistance we would not have achieved what we have. I have also been delighted with the personal coaching I have received from you which has been beneficial both to myself and to the business in increasing my confidence, communication skills, leadership ability, people management skills - and listening ability!

Business Unit Director, IT Communications & Business Support, London

The Caring for Self programme

The focus of this programme…

When it comes to caring for the self, your mind probably goes to tackling those ‘bad’ habits in areas like diet, exercise, getting plenty of rest. This isn’t wrong, but it doesn’t get to the heart of the matter. New habits rarely stick. And you can end up feeling worse than when you started.

Furthermore, not only are your beliefs preventing you from making the progress you want, they are probably showing up in other areas of your life too.  

If Self-care is a persistent challenge for you, you may also know that allowing it to remain that way, comes at a cost, not just to ourselves, but to the people and projects we care about, and our relationships with them. 

In the Caring for Self programme, we bring the Self into the foreground. And we seek to balance the energy, care and attention that you typically give outwardly with a stronger sense of personal presence, inner listening and self-compassion.

We aim to have you leaving this experience feeling resilient, resourced and equipped to make more balanced choices across your life, work and relationships. Not only that you will benefit from the support, perspectives and possibly long-term friendship of a small group of allies who genuinely care about you and what matters to you most.

 In this group coaching programme we will look at:

  • The meanings we make around Self-care and re-defining Self-care individually and as a collective

  • Caring for oneself as an inner development practice

  • Self-defeating patterns and their transformation into consciously held choices that free up your energy and strengthen your power 

  • Accessing our body’s intelligence to shatter limitations that have been immune to “positive thinking”

  • Mind-body-nature practices to re-shape your psycho-physiology and have you stepping out in a more balanced, resourced and resilient state


At the end of it, you will have…

Deeper understanding of self-care and what it means for you

Awareness of the thinking traps that have you behaving in self-care limiting ways

A method to explore and guide your thinking processes

Embodied strategies that over time will replace your normal tendency to ‘self-forget’

Tools and resources to help embed personal change and keep your learning alive

A support network of peers to provide ongoing support and friendship for years to come

This is a 12-month programme for a small cohort of six people, hand selected for their commitment to their own transformation and that of others.

Participation by application. 


Time Commitment

Sessions run monthly for 2.5 hours, at a regular time (to be confirmed) with a short break mid-way to recoup.


Your investment for a year-long group coaching programme: £795.00

As this is the first time this programme has ever run, this is a special introductory fee for Year 1 pioneers.

What’s included

  • 11x monthly 2.5 hour sessions (we take a break in August)

  • Coaching as part of a small group of six, with Sandra as your coach

  • Live calls conducted over Zoom

  • Welcome pack to orient and prepare you for the journey ahead

  • Fieldwork between sessions to help you reflect and experiment with new ideas and habits

  • Resources, downloads and tools to keep and adapt for your own use


Customised group formats can be designed to meet specific needs. If you are looking for a development solution for a team or collective, get in touch for a chat.

 Schedule an exploratory call to ask questions and find out more or apply now below.