Individual Leadership Coaching

What would you do if you knew you could?

You have passion, talent and energy. You want to do good in the world. Enjoy doing meaningful work. Extend your reach.

But progress towards your purposeful goals and intentions feels hampered.

Like many of us, you’re probably less equipped than you’d like to be – and need to be - for the complex and volatile circumstances we now find ourselves in.

Learn how to meet and manage these challenging times, so you can embody and express the powerful change-maker you really are.

More than life coaching for leaders, this work is customised for senior professionals and business owners, who are ready to move their leadership to a new level by developing their thinking and relating to others in ways that are better fit for meeting the inner and outer challenges we now face.

The coaching has enabled me to come to my own answers and Sandra has a knack of drilling down to the uncomfortable places thus getting to the nub of the issue.

I am extremely pleased with the progress I have made. This has been most apparent in my personal confidence levels which have been raised considerably, enabling me to deal better with the daily demands of my work and I am also more willing to get involved and take the lead in areas where I feel we are falling behind.  The coaching has enabled me to come to my own answers and Sandra has a knack of drilling down to the uncomfortable places thus getting to the nub of the issue. I have also picked up some Coaching Skills of my own which I have used successfully in my work.

Senior Manager, Information Services Provider, Cambs

How you can expect to benefit

Customised Coaching Packages for Individuals

I offer 6- and 12- month leadership coaching packages, personalised to meet your specific needs.

How a typical client journey might look

Book a Consultation

This your first step in your transformation journey. It’s a no-charge, non-salesy, no obligation, exploratory call where we chat about the changes you’re hoping to create in your life. It’s also a chance to gauge if we’re going to be right fit for one another and for you to ask any questions. If we decide to go ahead, I will forward a programme proposal tailored for you, an Agreements document and invoice for your first payment. If you still need another call, no problem - that’s free too.

Foundations Setting

Our work together starts here. An important part of putting down the foundations for a great working relationship is the authentic sharing of needs and expectations, hopes and fears. We will clarify and ‘contract’ around your overarching goals and intentions, knowing that these may evolve and change along the way. We will also set up your first immersion into a nature-based, self-reflective practice.

Discovery Walk

You will take a guided, solo walk in your chosen location. This a chance for you to explore one of your keystone questions, using a powerful process inspired by ancient human ritual and practice. Soon afterwards, we will meet to share your story of your experience and to draw out learning and insight, that will inform your next steps.

Coaching Sessions

Thereafter we will connect monthly for around 90 minutes each session to meet the issues or questions arising for you, as we continue to fold-in new awareness and understanding. Typically, I will have set you some fieldwork to carry out between our sessions, which we will look at and unpack when we speak. 

Depending on our agreement, and what is practical, our sessions may be face to face, or over Zoom or a hybrid mix of the two*.


We will pause every 3 months, to look back over your journey so far, pull out what feels important for your learning, and anchor your progress. When your programme comes to a close, we take final stock of your experience, celebrate your success and set you up for taking your onward journey. You may of course, decide to continue, and if so we can discuss discounted terms.

*Face to face sessions are held in outdoor locations across Fife and Perthshire, where our process will be informed and inspired by our surroundings. All our locations are risk assessed. I am happy to discuss any other preferences that you may have. We will coach in most weathers unless the conditions are clearly prohibitive.


 Schedule an exploratory call to ask questions and find out more or apply now below.